Gamma 3rd sem result released on today. Hmmm, the result for this semester drop tremendously, just able to scored a GPA of 3.70. Feel little bit weird and wonder why I will always scored a bad result for the 3rd semester for every academic year. The same thing happen during the 3rd semester of Beta year. Is it there is always a bad luck surrounded me during the 3rd semester??? I hope it is not because my final semester will be a 3rd semester too. Hehehe. Alright, let's update.....
I managed to scored As for two of my three major subjects which are Investment and Financial Statement Analysis. For another major subject, Islamic Banking and Finance, I managed to scored an A-. I am satisfied because this subject is quite hard. Hahaha. So far, the lowest grade that I scored for my major subject is A-. Satisfied!!!
Also, I get A- for both Malaysian Economy and Research Methodology. Nothing much to talk about the Research Methodology since I don't like the subject. But a little bit disappointed with the A- for Malaysian Economy since I aimed for an A. Haizzz, sudohhh.....
The most shocking grade is Business Law. I am totally dissatisfy with the grade B that I got. The same happened to few of my friends too. I do not aim for an A for this subject but at least a B+ please. Haizzz, sudohhh again. Anyway, feel lucky that my 1st choice of course application - Bachelor of Law when I applied for MMU was not granted. If not, the 3rd suicide case in Ixora Apartment might going to happen and I will be the Superman.....
Although the overall result for this semester is not that excellent but at least I got another kind of satisfaction. It might be generated from the 2 events. Hehehe. Lastly, thanks to all lecturers who have did their best in teaching me especially Abang Halim and Madam Iza who have inculcated me the spirit of Armageddon for Novus Ordo Seclorum and Renaissance of the Souk. Hehehe.....
Belajar semata-mata demi mengejar sehelai kertas buruk - Pressure
Belajar semata-mata demi mendalami tahap ilmu pengetahuan - Pleasure
Again, study with pleasure not pressure.....
6月碎念 : 学会控制压力是一门必修课
4 years ago