My addiction to cheese is getting serious and serious. Since I back from Malacca, almost all my breakfast in K.T have the cheese as ingredients. All the breakfast were cooked by myself. All very simple, just add some slices of cheeses. Perhaps during the time in Malacca, I seldom have the opportunity to cheesing because my house there do not have refrigerator, unless I go out for food with my friends. Hehehe.....
Cheezy Hotdogs + Cheezy Tuna Buns
Currently, busy practising Laputa, a classical music with the main instrument is guitar. Fingers are very painful due to long time of non exposure to guitar. The music is not easy to play, still trying my best to conquer it. Special thanks Wai Keong for borrow me his guitars.....
Few more days will be Chinese New Year, will be going back to Setiu in this Saturday. Wish all of you Happy Chinese New Year.....
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